

Here you’ll find a number of frequently asked questions about the services and products at A tour Packages. If you still have questions after going through the FAQ page, please get in touch with us directly.

We strive for an intimate and personalized experience, so our tour groups are kept small. This ensures that you have the freedom to explore and receive individual attention from our local guides.

Once your booking is made, a confirmation email will be sent to you. This email includes your reservation number and comprehensive travel details.

A Tour Packages is dedicated to selecting reliable business partners and vendors. With decades of experience, we have established preferred access to the world’s top trusted suppliers, ensuring a high standard of care for our clients.

Yes, we strongly recommend travel insurance to safeguard your travel investment. This coverage protects against non-refundable expenses and provides assistance during your trip, offering peace of mind.

Payments for A Tour Packages bookings can be made using Credit/Debit cards, Net Banking, Cheque, or Cash (in Indian Rupees). For payments by cheque or cash, please visit our office or contact us at +919352568504

If you need to cancel, contact us immediately. Outside business hours, get in touch with the relevant travel provider (airline, hotel, tour operator, cruise line) to cancel reservations. For those with travel insurance, contact the insurance company’s 24-hour line to initiate the cancellation process and secure a maximum refund.